Monday, March 2, 2015

The magic number of 10,000 steps to better health

After discovering that my new iPhone tracks steps, distance, floors and many other things, my interest in adding steps has increased. I find I am looking for more opportunities to get out and walk or jog. 

How many steps are in a mile? About 2,000. 

This tracking capability is not just limited to the iPhone. There are many devices with such capability, such as FitBit and others.

My advice would be to start tracking you steps and you may find your awareness of how much or how little you actually get out and move the body.

The all fitness levels beach boot camp is a great opportunity to increase steps and get a complete body workout as well. The prices are also very affordable.

Call or email to sign up for classes today and enjoy the great outdoors.

Contact Info:
Bob Weinstein
Lt. Colonel, US Army, retired
cell 954-790-7111